Sunday, May 26, 2013

"Rules" in the Primary Classroom

At this late point in the year, thoughts of barbecues, picnics, and pool parties are distracting the children from their cycles of concentration.  To make the best of this time, we focus more on botany and zoology lessons.  We spend time gardening, and watching insects metamorphosize.  We explore sensorial extension lessons.  We prepare for Mom's Day and Dad's Day celebrations. 

In addition to these spring-based activities, we also review our classroom's three basic rules.  This review helps me to emphasize that even though the year is winding down, we still treat each other with the utmost respect.

When it comes to rules (for children of all ages): THE SIMPLER, THE BETTER.

Therefore, our classroom has only three rules:
  1. Respect Yourself
  2. Respect Others
  3. Respect the Environment (indoor & outdoor)
When we discuss the three rules at the beginning of the year, the children say:

"But what about touching someone else's work?  Shouldn't that be a rule?" 
I say, "Yes, that is a rule: we respect others." 
The children say, "Well shouldn't there be a rule about crumbing the table after snack?".
I respond, "Yes, that is a rule: we respect the indoor environment."  You get the idea.

A brief review of these three rules helps us to enjoy the last few weeks of school in our peaceful classroom.

Try implementing these three rules at home!  Have a family meeting (no matter how old your children are) and explain the three rules.  Give them examples, or for more fun, role play!  Help your children create a poster to serve as a visual, daily reminder.
Consider adding a comment below to let us know how it goes.

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