For our mom's gift this year, the children made flower-topped pencils. They were a fun and easy craft that you're child can make at home for friends or relatives.
- colorful, unsharpened pencil
- rubber band
- 2 coffee filters
- washable markers
- spray bottle
- Color the front and back of the coffee filters. Be sure the edges are covered with colors.
- Stack the filters and fold them in half. Fold them again so you have a cone shape.
- Place the eraser end of the pencil into the corner of the cone. Wrap the filters tightly around the pencil.
- Fasten the filters to the pencil using the rubberband (a ribbon might work nicely too).
- Spread apart the filters into the shape of a carnation.
- Lightly spray the flower with water so the colors blend together.
And a wonderful gift for any grandmother. I love it....thank you, G :-)